আপনার কাছে যদি মনে হয় প্রশ্নটি অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী সঠিক নয় তাহলে সঠিক অধ্যায় ও প্রশ্নটি অথবা কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে আমাদের কে জানান ইমেইল করে kabirdepart@gmail.com


Correct :

Wrong :

  • 1. Which of the following statement is correct?
  • 2. Which one is present perfect tense?
  • 3. Which one of the following sentence is correct?
  • 4. The example of present progressive is-
  • 5. I found the boy reading a book. Here reading is –
  • 6. Fill in the gap. I have been waiting ____ five o’clock.
  • 7. Riding a horse he went to a distant place. Here riding is-
  • 8. _______ have you been living in this city?
  • 9. Fill in the blank : He had written the book before he ------
  • 10. Which one is the correct past tense form of 'ring'?
  • 11. . "I shall be eating" is an example of ---- tense?
  • 12. "He has been studying in the same class for two years?-- Identify the tense :
  • 13. I have done my duty. কোন tense?
  • 14. Which one is present perfect tense?
  • 15. the past participle of speak is
  • 16. Which of the following sentence is in present perfect cuntinuous tense ?
  • 17. the past form of the word “tear” is

today's words

Current World

  • What is the number of current U.S. Congress which is established on January 3, 2021?

    Ans: 117th


  • Joe Biden is current and 46th U.S. President, What number he stands as Democratic President in the history of U.S.?

    Ans: 16th

  • Donald Trump was________ president of Republican party.

    Ans: 19th

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  • অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী অনুশীলন,
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  • সাম্প্রতিক বিষয় নিয়মিত আপডেট,
  • প্রতিদিন পাঁচটি করে vocabulary (Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Example সহ )।





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