আপনার কাছে যদি মনে হয় প্রশ্নটি অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী সঠিক নয় তাহলে সঠিক অধ্যায় ও প্রশ্নটি অথবা কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে আমাদের কে জানান ইমেইল করে kabirdepart@gmail.com


Correct :

Wrong :

  • 1. “Who planted this tree here?” The correct passive voice of this sentence is
  • Correct Answer: By whom was the tree planted here?

  • 2. I knew him. (Make it passive voice)-
  • 3. Which one is the correct passive form of the speech? "Don't take the forget me not."
  • 4. The school was built in 1971. Is a  
  • 5. Give the order. (Passive)  
  • 6. The correct passive form of “You must shut these doors” is—
  • ∎ Functions of the passive voice:

    The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.

  • 7. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence ‘Panic seized me’?
  • 8. He found the student guilty.
  • 9. She wants that she should be respected.
  • 10. Please keep quiet.
  • 11. He displeased Mr. Mizan.
  • 12. I asked Sheela why she was sad.
  • 13. He asked me what my post was.
  • 14. Rajib made her laugh.
  • 15. We crowned him leader.
  • 16. His behaviour surprised me.
  • 17. His hard work satisfied me.
  • 18. Mr. Sharma knows me.
  • 19. He arrived at the conclusion.
  • 20. Who wrote this noble?
  • 21. Who wrote this book?
  • 22. Who taught you English?
  • 23. Where do they buy the utensils?
  • 24. Why does he beat his brother?
  • 25. Will nobody help the Sheela?
  • 26. Did he buy a car?
  • 27. Sit down.
  • 28. Let us sing.
  • When we use "us" after "Let", it means it is a suggestion. So it is converted as this example.

  • 29. Let us play.
  • When we use "us" after "Let", it means it is a suggestion. So it is converted as this example.

  • 30. Let him do this work.
  • 31. Let me do this task.
  • 32. Please tell me something.
  • 33. Please give me a pen.
  • 34. Respect your neighbors.
  • 35. Help the poor.
  • Passive subject + should be + third form of verb.

  • 36. Don't touch the fence.
  • 37. Don't insult the deaf man.
  • 38. Bring the bottle of juice.
  • 39. Switch on the cooler.
  • 40. Rajib has to see it or to believe it.
  • 41. He like people to respect him.
  • 42. It is time to do our business.
  • 43. It is time to learn English.
  • 44. It is time to prepare for the game trails.
  • 45. There is nothing to do.
  • 46. There is no book to read.
  • 47. We ought to have saved our environment.
  • 48. Rajib mush have done that task.
  • 49. We must have obeyed our teachers.
  • If we have "Subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + have + third verb + object"
    then we change it to

    Passive subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + have been + third form + by + passive object.

    Modal Auxiliary verb are : can, could, shall, will, may, might, should, would, must, ought to etc.

  • 50. Nobody can catch him.
  • 51. They may win the battle.
  • 52. He can speak French.
  • 53. I must help him.
  • If we have "Subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + first verb + object"
    then we change it to

    Passive subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + be + third form + by + passive object.

    Modal Auxiliary verb are : can, could, shall, will, may, might, should, would, must, ought to etc.

  • 54. Sunder will have closed the door.
  • 55. He will hate me.
  • 56. Rahul will pass the message.
  • Passive subject + shall/will + be + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 57. Somebody had already adopted him.
  • 58. They had not done their tasks.
  • 59. He had written a poem.
  • Passive subject + had + been + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 60. Simran was reading the Begum.
  • Passive subject + was/were + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 61. The farmer was plugging the fields.
  • Passive subject + was/were + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 62. He was writing a love letter.
  • Passive subject + was/were + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 63. The police caught the culprit.
  • 64. Thief killed him.
  • 65. Sahil spoke the lie.
  • 66. He stole that watch.
  • 67. I have given him a perfume.
  • Passive subject + has/have + been + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 68. Someone has stolen his book.
  • Passive subject + has/have + been + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 69. Priyanka has written these notes.
  • Passive subject + has/have + been + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 70. My father has solved this matter.
  • Passive subject + has/have + been + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 71. They are not playing the game.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 72. My mother is cooking food.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 73. My friends are watching the match.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 74. Kolim is singing a song.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 75. He is making a film.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + being + third form of verb + by + passive object

  • 76. Khan does not like me.
  • 77. We hate him.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + third form of verb + by + passive object.

  • 78. My father loves me.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + third form of verb + by + passive object.

  • 79. Sakib makes tea.
  • Passive subject + is/are/am + third form of verb + by + passive object.

  • 80. They will inform the police.
  • 81. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
  • 82. I cannot accept your offer.
  • 83. The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.
  • 84. She spoke to the official on duty.
  • 85. She makes cakes every Sunday.
  • 86. James Watt discovered the energy of steam.
  • 87. A child could not have done this mischief.
  • 88. You can play with these kittens quite safely.
  • 89. The invigilator was reading out the instructions.
  • 90. He is said to be very rich.
  • 91. Do you imitate others?
  • 92. They have built a perfect dam across the river.
  • 93. Darjeeling grows tea.
  • 94. They greet me cheerfully every morning.
  • 95. Who is creating this mess?
  • 96. I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
  • 97. After driving professor Kumar to the museum she dropped him at his hotel.
  • 98. Identify the correct passive form of`- He is going to open a shop.  
  • 99. One should keep one’s promise. (passive).
  • 100. We will not admit children under ten. (Passive).
  • 101. Choose the passive form of—‘’Who will pay him?’’
  • 102. Change the voice- ‘’Let me do the sum.’’
  • 103. Identify the correct passive form of ‘’Open the door’’.
  • 104. The passive form of the sentence ‘’ I saw him go.’
  • 105. ‘’My uncle looks after me.’’ Passive form is---
  • 106. The passive of ‘Who taught you French?’
  • 107. Kamal has made tea. Make it passive---
  • 108. Choose the correct passive form of ‘’Who will do the work?’’
  • 109. Change into passive, ‘’People always remember the patriots.’’
  • Object, Subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে, tense অনুযায়ী passive voice করা হয়েছে।

  • 110. Choose the correct passive form: ‘All of his friends laughed at him.’
  • 111. Give the correct Passive form of--My teacher embodies all the good qualities.
  • *ACTIVE VOICE: My teacher embodies all the good qualities.

    *PASSIVE VOICE: All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher.

  • 112. The passive form of the sentence “some children were helping the wounded man” ‒
  • 113. Identify the correct passive form-'Open the window' 
  • 114. Identify the correct passive form- Open the window.
  • This is an Imperative sentence.

    For Imperative sentence,

    The passive form comes in -- Let + object + be + past participle.

    So the Passive will be,

    Let the window be opened.

  • 115. Change voice form - A lion may be helped even by a little mouse.
  • This is in passive form.  We can exchange the subject and object for easiness. Here, subject is A Lion and Object is even a little mouse.

    Lets write like this,

    He may be helped even by me.

    Even I may help him.

    Even a little mouse may help a lion.


  • 116. "I know him."  Change the voice form
  • This is an exception. We will use known to, annoyed with, surprised at, contained in  etc.

  • 117. The best passive form of the sentence :'We don't like idle people'- 
  • For Present Indefinite Tense, the rule for passive form is

    Object+ am/is/are + past participle + by + subject

    Here Object is idle people which is plural.

    So the answer will be,

    Idle people are not liked by us.

    If you are confused by the neg

  • 118. The correct passive of  "Sheila was writing a letter" is- 
  • For Past Continuous Tense, the rule is to use 'was/were + being + past participle'


  • 119. Identify the right passive voice of “It is impossible to do this”.
  • 120. Change the voice: 'Who is calling me?' --By whom am I being called? 
  • Passive: By whom+am+ Subject (I)+being + v3+ ?

today's words

Current World

  • What is the number of current U.S. Congress which is established on January 3, 2021?

    Ans: 117th


  • Joe Biden is current and 46th U.S. President, What number he stands as Democratic President in the history of U.S.?

    Ans: 16th

  • Donald Trump was________ president of Republican party.

    Ans: 19th

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