আপনার কাছে যদি মনে হয় প্রশ্নটি অধ্যায় অনুযায়ী সঠিক নয় তাহলে সঠিক অধ্যায় ও প্রশ্নটি অথবা কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে আমাদের কে জানান ইমেইল করে kabirdepart@gmail.com


Correct :

Wrong :

  • 1. Since 1996, Rahim _____ in Dhaka.  
  • 2. I wish I the wings of a bird.
  • 3. The examination before I reached the hall.
  • 4. He ____ go to his office yesterday
  • 5. Arif _______ before I came.
  • 6. Which one is present perfect tense?  
  • 7. You had better ____ the offer.  
  • 8. What does the following sentence mean? ‘They have yet to make a decision’  
  • 9. The structure of the following sentence is: They made Karim the captain.  
  • 10. I mentioned that he _____ in my room the previous day.    
  • 11. He has been ill ______ Monday last.  
  • 12. He has been ill ______ Monday last.  
  • 13. Which one is present perfect tense?      
  • 14. Choose the correct sentence:
  • 15. He has been ill---Sunday last.
  • 16. I –working for two hours.
  • 17. Read each of the following sentences divided into three parts (A, B and C) to find out if there is any error in it. If there is no error your answer is D. After you will return from Shimla I will come and see you    
  • After your return হবে।

  • 18. Read each of the following sentences divided into three parts (A, B and C) to find out if there is any error in it. If there is no error your answer is D. He says he is going to cut down his smoking.  
  • cut down এর পরে on হবে।

  • 19. The cyclist---he crossed the main street.
  • 20. How many eggs have your hens __ this month?
  • 21. It seemed that-----
  • 22. Before my father---a house on the plot, paddy was grown there.
  • 23. They asked me what I have taken for breakfast. Find out the wrong portion---
  • 24. When I saw her leaving in a hurry, I--her where she was going.
  • 25. Rahim---for a new room-mate before he finally succeeded.
  • 26. I received your letter.
  • 27. We shall return before the sun---.
  • 28. The doctor--after the patient had died.
  • 29. It's 10 a.m. now. The sun--in the eastern sky.
  • 30. Selim is absent because he ---a cold.
  • 31. Choose the correct sentence.
  • 32. Slowly and steady---the race.
  • 33. We (to write) in the examination hall.
  • 34. The construction of past perfect follows---
  • 35. The baby---because it is hungry now.
  • 36. He---abroad for ten years before he settled down in Bangladesh.
  • 37. My friend---before I came.
  • 38. I-- here since 1980.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing. নির্দিষ্ট সময় উল্লেখ থাকলে since থাকে আর অনির্দিষ্ট সময় হলে for থাকে।

  • 39. Choose the correct sentence.
  • 40. By the middle of the twenty first century, the computer--a necessity in every home.
  • 41. I---him only one letter up to now.
  • 42. I ---before Mr. Rahman went to my office.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 43. Choose the correct tense.
  • Yesterday অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ, তাই verb simple past tense হয়েছে।

  • 44. The Examination---before I reached the hall.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 45. There was a big celebration after my friend----
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 46. Past participle of 'Bear' is---
  • Bear--- simple/base form, bore---past form, born/borne---past participle form.

  • 47. Past form of 'Ring'
  • Ring---present/simple/base form, rang---past form, rung---past participle form.

  • 48. Change the sentence into present perfect-- I do the sum.
  • Present Perfect Tense এর structure হল Sub+have/has+verb এর past participle form.

  • 49. Which one is present continuous tense?
  • Present Continuous Tense এর structure হল Sub+am/is/are+verb+ing.

  • 50. Which one is present perfect tense?
  • Present Perfect Tense এর structure হল Sub+have/has+verb এর past participle form.

  • 51. The train left after I (reach) the station.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 52. Anik(to be) ill for about a month.
  • 53. I---working for two hours.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing.

  • 54. The patient had died.
  • Past Perfect Tense এর structure হল--- Sub+had+verb এর past participle form.

  • 55. My brother---at university for the last two years.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing.

  • 56. He---before he was put in prison.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। এখানে passive voice use হয়েছে।

  • 57. We --a test when the lights went out.
  • When এর আগে past continuous tense হয়েছে, তাই পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়েছে।

  • 58. Since last year I---him once.
  • Present Perfect Tense এর structure হল Sub+have/has+verb এর past participle form.

  • 59. He ___ a cigarette when he fell asleep.
  • When এর আগের অংশ past continuous tense হয়েছে, তাই পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়েছে।

  • 60. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work---
  •  When এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 61. Ali--his hand when he was cooking dinner.
  • When এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 62. Prodip went to bed after he--his lesson.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 63. She reassured me that she ___ the card.
  •  অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে হয়েছে, সেইটাই past perfect tense, পরেরটা past indefinite tense. That দ্বারা এখানে যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 64. Last night the highway police stopped our car and asked us where---.
  • When/Where এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 65. It is important that the Admission Office---your registration.
  • That এর আগের অংশ present tense হলে, পরের অংশ present tense হবে, That এর আগের অংশ past tense হলে, পরের অংশ past tense হবে। Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 66. He had a terrible headache and---with pain.
  • Conjunction যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 67. He---there for three years when she joined the company.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে when দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 68. We--the car to Sylhet next month because the journey takes too long.
  • Present Continuous Tense এর structure হল Sub+am/is/are+verb+ing.

  • 69. When we arrived a crowd---for ours to greet him.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে চলছিলো/ হচ্ছিল সেইটা past perfect continuous tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. Past perfect tense এর structure হল Sub+had been+verb+ing. এখানে when দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 70. He ran away because he---afraid.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 71. I suggest that he---there.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 72. Some people had to escape in boats when the river--its bank.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 73. The lecture--over an hour, I nearly fell asleep!
  • আগের অংশে verb past form এ আছে, তাই পরের অংশ past tense হয়েছে।

  • 74. Don't call me after ten o'clock. I---.
  • Future এ যে কাজ চলতে থাকবে, সেটা future continuous tense. Futere Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+shall be/will be+ verb+ing.

  • 75. Do you like Paris? I don't know. I--there.
  • 76. Apparently, Suchi--married in May--but she hasn't invited me!
  • 77. How many times---you? Turn that music down!
  • 78. My doctor suggested---some exercise.
  • 79. The path---paved, so we were able to walk through the path.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে so দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 80. If you stay too long in the sun, your skin---
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 81. When metal becomes hot it---.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়। Universal truth, habitual fact, scientifical fact সবসময় present tense এ হয়।

  • 82. The fire--to spread at 9:30 p.m.
  • অতীতের ঘটনা বর্ণনা করতে/বুঝাতে past tense হয়, অর্থাৎ verb এর past form হয়।

  • 83. The fire--in a jiffy.
  • 84. The novel---with the death of the hero.
  • Subject third person singular number এ আছে, তাই verb এর সাথে s/es যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 85. The cyclist---he crossed the main street.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 86. He is my best friend now, and---for many years.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing.

  • 87. The man--down silently and---his food.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 88. I came home after the rain---
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 89. She--from flu when she was interviewed.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে চলছিলো/ হচ্ছিল সেইটা past perfect continuous tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. Past perfect tense এর structure হল Sub+had been+verb+ing.

  • 90. The thief said that he was ashemed of what he---
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে what দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 91. When he got home last night, he found that somebody---into the flat.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে that দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 92. The sun was shining, but the ground was very wet. It ---- raining.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে চলছিলো/ হচ্ছিল সেইটা past perfect continuous tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. Past perfect continuous tense এর structure হল Sub+had been+verb+ing.

  • 93. The university requires that all the students--this course.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 94. An intensive search was conducted by the detective to locate those criminals who---
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে who দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 95. We waited until the plane----
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 96. The price of rice are _.
  • Present Continuous Tense এর structure হল Sub+am/is/are+verb+ing.

  • 97. Only after I _ home, did I remember my doctor\'s appointment.
  • 98. He _ consciousness as a result of his hitting the car\'s dashboard.
  • 99. A rocket flying to the moon does not need wings because _.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়। Universal truth, habitual fact, scientifically fact সবসময় present tense এ হয়।

  • 100. He said that he __ the previous day.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে that দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 101. I have not heard from him__
  • 102. Sabuj entered the room, sat down, and-- his book.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 103. He had changed so much since I last saw him that I hardly-- him.
  • 104. It is interesting.
  • Interesting is  Adjective. Is এখানে main verb. সুতরাং এটা present indefinite tense.

  • 105. I thought that the grass-- cutting.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 106. Since 1995, Fatema--- in Dhaka.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing. নির্দিষ্ট সময় উল্লেখ থাকলে since থাকে আর অনির্দিষ্ট সময় হলে for থাকে।

  • 107. The doctor suggested that the patient -- weight.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 108. Choose the correct sentence
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 109. He had written the book before he ---.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 110. He said that he __ be unable to come.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 111. A reward has been announced for the employees who ‒ hard.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 112. The Parthenon is said _ erected in the Age of Pericles.
  • Passive sense is used here.

  • 113. She told me his name after he _ .
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 114. Please __ the necessity of arriving early.
  • Correct verb emphasise on is used here in present sense.

  • 115. I don’t think you will have any difficulty __ a driving license.
  • Infinitive is used here.

  • 116. Choose the correct tense:  
  • When/Where/That এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if  needed).  

  • 117. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
  • Fraction (ভগ্নাংশ) এর ক্ষেত্রে লব one এর বেশি হলে auxiliary verb plural হবে। কিন্তু fraction (ভগ্নাংশ) এর পরে কোন কাজের অভিন্নতা বোঝাতে verb singular হবে।

  • 118. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
  • ভগ্নাংশের ক্ষেত্রে লব one এর বেশি হলে auxiliary verb plural হবে, কিন্তু ভগ্নাংশের পর কোন কাজের অভিন্নতা বুঝালে, verb singular হবে।

  • 119. If I had known you were coming ___.
  • If+sub+had+past participle থাকলে পরের অংশে subject এরপর would have/could have/might have বসে এবং verb এর past participle form হয়। Do it making Vice-Versa. (if needed).

  • 120. As the sun - , I decided to go out.
  • When/Where/That/As এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).  

  • 121. He gave up - football when he got married.  
  • After prepositions and phrases, always, verb+ing.

  • 122. We must keep our fingers…..that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.  
  • Tomorrow, morrow, day after tomorrow, the next day etc indicate future sense, so future tense is used. Cressed/crossed is used here as adjective.

  • 123. The path …..paved, so we were able to walk through the path.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 124. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to get his ideas across.
  • To is infinitive and after infinitive verb is always in base form.

  • 125. After food has been dried or canned ___ for laterconsumption.
  • In the sense of indication should is used, it is in passive sense, so should be is used and verb is in past participle form.

  • 126. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he is –
  • One word substitutes/definition. These kinds of people are defined/described with this word.

  • 127. We look forward ____ a response from you.
  • Look forward to, with a view to, would you mind, cannot help, could not help, mind, worth, get used to etc, after these verb+ing.

  • 128. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to –
  • Whereas, riding a bicycle, so, driving a car. Gerund is used. Both parts are used in the same way.

  • 129. Choose the right use of tense. We were watching the news when the telephone ----
  • If, first clause is in past continuous form, the verb of second clause will be in simple past. So, ring-rang-rung

  • 130. Choose the correct tense:  
  • When/Where/That এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if  needed).  

  • 131. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
  • Fraction (ভগ্নাংশ) এর ক্ষেত্রে লব one এর বেশি হলে auxiliary verb plural হবে। কিন্তু fraction (ভগ্নাংশ) এর পরে কোন কাজের অভিন্নতা বোঝাতে verb singular হবে।

  • 132. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
  • ভগ্নাংশের ক্ষেত্রে লব one এর বেশি হলে auxiliary verb plural হবে, কিন্তু ভগ্নাংশের পর কোন কাজের অভিন্নতা বুঝালে, verb singular হবে।

  • 133. If I had known you were coming ___.
  • If+sub+had+past participle থাকলে পরের অংশে subject এরপর would have/could have/might have বসে এবং verb এর past participle form হয়। Do it making Vice-Versa. (if needed).

  • 134. As the sun - , I decided to go out.
  • When/Where/That/As এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).  

  • 135. He gave up - football when he got married.  
  • After prepositions and phrases, always, verb+ing.

  • 136. We must keep our fingers…..that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.  
  • Tomorrow, morrow, day after tomorrow, the next day etc indicate future sense, so future tense is used. Cressed/crossed is used here as adjective.

  • 137. The path …..paved, so we were able to walk through the path.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 138. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to get his ideas across.
  • To is infinitive and after infinitive verb is always in base form.

  • 139. After food has been dried or canned ___ for laterconsumption.
  • In the sense of indication should is used, it is in passive sense, so should be is used and verb is in past participle form.

  • 140. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he is –
  • One word substitutes/definition. These kinds of people are defined/described with this word.

  • 141. We look forward ____ a response from you.
  • Look forward to, with a view to, would you mind, cannot help, could not help, mind, worth, get used to etc, after these verb+ing.

  • 142. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to –
  • Whereas, riding a bicycle, so, driving a car. Gerund is used. Both parts are used in the same way.

  • 143. Choose the right use of tense. We were watching the news when the telephone ----
  • If, first clause is in past continuous form, the verb of second clause will be in simple past. So, ring-rang-rung

  • 144. I –working for two hours.
  • 145. Read each of the following sentences divided into three parts (A, B and C) to find out if there is any error in it. If there is no error your answer is D. After you will return from Shimla I will come and see you    
  • After your return হবে।

  • 146. Read each of the following sentences divided into three parts (A, B and C) to find out if there is any error in it. If there is no error your answer is D. He says he is going to cut down his smoking.  
  • cut down এর পরে on হবে।

  • 147. The cyclist---he crossed the main street.
  • 148. How many eggs have your hens __ this month?
  • 149. It seemed that-----
  • 150. Before my father---a house on the plot, paddy was grown there.
  • 151. They asked me what I have taken for breakfast. Find out the wrong portion---
  • 152. When I saw her leaving in a hurry, I--her where she was going.
  • 153. Rahim---for a new room-mate before he finally succeeded.
  • 154. I received your letter.
  • 155. We shall return before the sun---.
  • 156. The doctor--after the patient had died.
  • 157. It's 10 a.m. now. The sun--in the eastern sky.
  • 158. Selim is absent because he ---a cold.
  • 159. Choose the correct sentence.
  • 160. Slowly and steady---the race.
  • 161. We (to write) in the examination hall.
  • 162. The construction of past perfect follows---
  • 163. The baby---because it is hungry now.
  • 164. He---abroad for ten years before he settled down in Bangladesh.
  • 165. My friend---before I came.
  • 166. I-- here since 1980.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing. নির্দিষ্ট সময় উল্লেখ থাকলে since থাকে আর অনির্দিষ্ট সময় হলে for থাকে।

  • 167. Choose the correct sentence.
  • 168. By the middle of the twenty first century, the computer--a necessity in every home.
  • 169. I---him only one letter up to now.
  • 170. I ---before Mr. Rahman went to my office.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 171. Choose the correct tense.
  • Yesterday অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ, তাই verb simple past tense হয়েছে।

  • 172. The Examination---before I reached the hall.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 173. There was a big celebration after my friend----
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 174. Past participle of 'Bear' is---
  • Bear--- simple/base form, bore---past form, born/borne---past participle form.

  • 175. Past form of 'Ring'
  • Ring---present/simple/base form, rang---past form, rung---past participle form.

  • 176. Change the sentence into present perfect-- I do the sum.
  • Present Perfect Tense এর structure হল Sub+have/has+verb এর past participle form.

  • 177. Which one is present continuous tense?
  • Present Continuous Tense এর structure হল Sub+am/is/are+verb+ing.

  • 178. Which one is present perfect tense?
  • Present Perfect Tense এর structure হল Sub+have/has+verb এর past participle form.

  • 179. The train left after I (reach) the station.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 180. Anik(to be) ill for about a month.
  • 181. I---working for two hours.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing.

  • 182. The patient had died.
  • Past Perfect Tense এর structure হল--- Sub+had+verb এর past participle form.

  • 183. My brother---at university for the last two years.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing.

  • 184. He---before he was put in prison.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। এখানে passive voice use হয়েছে।

  • 185. We --a test when the lights went out.
  • When এর আগে past continuous tense হয়েছে, তাই পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়েছে।

  • 186. Since last year I---him once.
  • Present Perfect Tense এর structure হল Sub+have/has+verb এর past participle form.

  • 187. He ___ a cigarette when he fell asleep.
  • When এর আগের অংশ past continuous tense হয়েছে, তাই পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়েছে।

  • 188. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work---
  •  When এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 189. Ali--his hand when he was cooking dinner.
  • When এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 190. Prodip went to bed after he--his lesson.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 191. She reassured me that she ___ the card.
  •  অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে হয়েছে, সেইটাই past perfect tense, পরেরটা past indefinite tense. That দ্বারা এখানে যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 192. Last night the highway police stopped our car and asked us where---.
  • When/Where এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 193. It is important that the Admission Office---your registration.
  • That এর আগের অংশ present tense হলে, পরের অংশ present tense হবে, That এর আগের অংশ past tense হলে, পরের অংশ past tense হবে। Do it vice-versa. (if needed).

  • 194. He had a terrible headache and---with pain.
  • Conjunction যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 195. He---there for three years when she joined the company.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে when দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 196. We--the car to Sylhet next month because the journey takes too long.
  • Present Continuous Tense এর structure হল Sub+am/is/are+verb+ing.

  • 197. When we arrived a crowd---for ours to greet him.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে চলছিলো/ হচ্ছিল সেইটা past perfect continuous tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. Past perfect tense এর structure হল Sub+had been+verb+ing. এখানে when দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 198. He ran away because he---afraid.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 199. I suggest that he---there.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 200. Some people had to escape in boats when the river--its bank.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 201. The lecture--over an hour, I nearly fell asleep!
  • আগের অংশে verb past form এ আছে, তাই পরের অংশ past tense হয়েছে।

  • 202. Don't call me after ten o'clock. I---.
  • Future এ যে কাজ চলতে থাকবে, সেটা future continuous tense. Futere Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+shall be/will be+ verb+ing.

  • 203. Do you like Paris? I don't know. I--there.
  • 204. Apparently, Suchi--married in May--but she hasn't invited me!
  • 205. How many times---you? Turn that music down!
  • 206. My doctor suggested---some exercise.
  • 207. The path---paved, so we were able to walk through the path.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে so দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 208. If you stay too long in the sun, your skin---
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 209. When metal becomes hot it---.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়। Universal truth, habitual fact, scientifical fact সবসময় present tense এ হয়।

  • 210. The fire--to spread at 9:30 p.m.
  • অতীতের ঘটনা বর্ণনা করতে/বুঝাতে past tense হয়, অর্থাৎ verb এর past form হয়।

  • 211. The fire--in a jiffy.
  • 212. The novel---with the death of the hero.
  • Subject third person singular number এ আছে, তাই verb এর সাথে s/es যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 213. The cyclist---he crossed the main street.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 214. He is my best friend now, and---for many years.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing.

  • 215. The man--down silently and---his food.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 216. I came home after the rain---
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 217. She--from flu when she was interviewed.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে চলছিলো/ হচ্ছিল সেইটা past perfect continuous tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. Past perfect tense এর structure হল Sub+had been+verb+ing.

  • 218. The thief said that he was ashemed of what he---
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে what দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 219. When he got home last night, he found that somebody---into the flat.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে that দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 220. The sun was shining, but the ground was very wet. It ---- raining.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটা আগে চলছিলো/ হচ্ছিল সেইটা past perfect continuous tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. Past perfect continuous tense এর structure হল Sub+had been+verb+ing.

  • 221. The university requires that all the students--this course.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 222. An intensive search was conducted by the detective to locate those criminals who---
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে who দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 223. We waited until the plane----
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 224. The price of rice are _.
  • Present Continuous Tense এর structure হল Sub+am/is/are+verb+ing.

  • 225. Only after I _ home, did I remember my doctor\'s appointment.
  • 226. He _ consciousness as a result of his hitting the car\'s dashboard.
  • 227. A rocket flying to the moon does not need wings because _.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়। Universal truth, habitual fact, scientifically fact সবসময় present tense এ হয়।

  • 228. He said that he __ the previous day.
  • অতীতের দুইটা কাজের মধ্য যে কাজটি আগে হয়েছে, সেইটা past perfect tense আর পরেরটা past indefinite tense. এখানে that দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়েছে।

  • 229. I have not heard from him__
  • 230. Sabuj entered the room, sat down, and-- his book.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 231. He had changed so much since I last saw him that I hardly-- him.
  • 232. It is interesting.
  • Interesting is  Adjective. Is এখানে main verb. সুতরাং এটা present indefinite tense.

  • 233. I thought that the grass-- cutting.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 234. Since 1995, Fatema--- in Dhaka.
  • কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলছে, তাকে Present Perfect Continuous Tense বলে। Present Perfect Continuous Tense এর structure হল-- Sub+have been/has been+verb+ing. নির্দিষ্ট সময় উল্লেখ থাকলে since থাকে আর অনির্দিষ্ট সময় হলে for থাকে।

  • 235. The doctor suggested that the patient -- weight.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 236. Choose the correct sentence
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 237. He had written the book before he ---.
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 238. He said that he __ be unable to come.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 239. A reward has been announced for the employees who ‒ hard.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 240. The Parthenon is said _ erected in the Age of Pericles.
  • Passive sense is used here.

  • 241. She told me his name after he _ .
  • Before এর আগে past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়। After এরপর past perfect tense (sub+had+past participle) হয়, আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হয়।

  • 242. Please __ the necessity of arriving early.
  • Correct verb emphasise on is used here in present sense.

  • 243. I don’t think you will have any difficulty __ a driving license.
  • Infinitive is used here.

  • 244. Choose the correct tense:  
  • When/Where/That এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if  needed).  

  • 245. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
  • Fraction (ভগ্নাংশ) এর ক্ষেত্রে লব one এর বেশি হলে auxiliary verb plural হবে। কিন্তু fraction (ভগ্নাংশ) এর পরে কোন কাজের অভিন্নতা বোঝাতে verb singular হবে।

  • 246. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
  • ভগ্নাংশের ক্ষেত্রে লব one এর বেশি হলে auxiliary verb plural হবে, কিন্তু ভগ্নাংশের পর কোন কাজের অভিন্নতা বুঝালে, verb singular হবে।

  • 247. If I had known you were coming ___.
  • If+sub+had+past participle থাকলে পরের অংশে subject এরপর would have/could have/might have বসে এবং verb এর past participle form হয়। Do it making Vice-Versa. (if needed).

  • 248. As the sun - , I decided to go out.
  • When/Where/That/As এর অংশ past indefinite হলে, পরের অংশ past continuous tense হবে।  Do it vice-versa. (if needed).  

  • 249. He gave up - football when he got married.  
  • After prepositions and phrases, always, verb+ing.

  • 250. We must keep our fingers…..that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.  
  • Tomorrow, morrow, day after tomorrow, the next day etc indicate future sense, so future tense is used. Cressed/crossed is used here as adjective.

  • 251. The path …..paved, so we were able to walk through the path.
  • Conjunction/linkers যুক্ত verb তার আগের verb এর form অনুযায়ী হয়।

  • 252. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to get his ideas across.
  • To is infinitive and after infinitive verb is always in base form.

  • 253. After food has been dried or canned ___ for laterconsumption.
  • In the sense of indication should is used, it is in passive sense, so should be is used and verb is in past participle form.

  • 254. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he is –
  • One word substitutes/definition. These kinds of people are defined/described with this word.

  • 255. We look forward ____ a response from you.
  • Look forward to, with a view to, would you mind, cannot help, could not help, mind, worth, get used to etc, after these verb+ing.

  • 256. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to –
  • Whereas, riding a bicycle, so, driving a car. Gerund is used. Both parts are used in the same way.

  • 257. Choose the right use of tense. We were watching the news when the telephone ----
  • If, first clause is in past continuous form, the verb of second clause will be in simple past. So, ring-rang-rung

  • 258.  ‘We shall establish a college very soon.’ Here 'Establish' implies to -  
  • 259. Which one is correct?
  • 260. He ------ for five hours and is still sleeping.  
  • 261.  Complete the sentence with the correct verb form: Neela ......... her hand when she was cooking dinner.  
  • 262. How many eggs have your hens –this month? -Which of the following sentence best completes the above sentence?
  • 263. If cigarettets were banned, life………….
  • 264. Each sentence below has three underlined parts having words or phrases marked A,B and C. Identify one of the underlined parts must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence needs no correction, the answer D is to be marked. I would have asked you for dinner if I had known that you are staying here tonight. No error.
  • 265. I don’t think I—be able to go.
  • 266. Before Karim ___ into the operating room, the nurse wrote ‘yes’ on his right thigh, above his bad knee.  
  • 267. It ___ raining since Monday.  
  • 268. The missing word in the sentence ‘early sailing ship’………………..sometimes in unchartered seas, faced many hazards in reaching their destination’ is:  

today's words

Current World

  • What is the number of current U.S. Congress which is established on January 3, 2021?

    Ans: 117th


  • Joe Biden is current and 46th U.S. President, What number he stands as Democratic President in the history of U.S.?

    Ans: 16th

  • Donald Trump was________ president of Republican party.

    Ans: 19th

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  • প্রতিদিন পাঁচটি করে vocabulary (Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Example সহ )।





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