Sonali, Janata,Krishi, Bangladesh Development, Karmasangsthan, Probashi Kollyan,ICB and BHBFC

Sonali, Janata,Krishi, Bangladesh Development, Karmasangsthan, Probashi Kollyan,ICB and BHBFC

Senior Officer(General) for Sonali Limited, Janata Bank Ltd, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Bangladesh Development Bank, Karmasangsthan Bank, Probashi Kollyan Bank, Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) and Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation(BHBFC)

Position    :    Senior Officer(General) for Sonali Limited, Janata Bank Ltd, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Bangladesh Development Bank, Karmasangsthan Bank, Probashi Kollyan Bank, Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) and Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation(BHBFC)
Total post    :    1229

Last date of application    :    31/10/2018

Salary scale    :    Under National Pay Scale 2015, BDT 22,000-23,100-24,260-25,480-26,760-28,100-29,510-30,990-32,540-34,170-35,880-37,680-39,570-41,550-43,630-45,820-48,120-50,530-53,060
Age as on 01/10/2018    :    a. 30 years maximum
b. 32 Years maximum in case of son/daughter of freedom fighter or Handicapped Quota
Educational requirement    :    Four year Honors/Masters degree from any Govt. approved university with at-least two first division/class. Third division/class in any examination is not allowed.

Apply link :


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